Regarding an explosive statement she made in 2016 about Kanye West, Amber Rose just released a statement. Rose made it clear that her earlier social media post suggesting Kanye West had strange preferences in the bedroom was not meant to be taken seriously in an open interview with Jason Lee from Hollywood Unlocked. This accusation was made during a contentious social media debate that erupted after West made derogatory remarks about her and her ex-partner, Wiz Khalifa. Rose clarified that she was responding to West's absurd claim that he "owned West's comments" with her provocative tweet. her child since, in his words, she would never have met Wiz Khalifa and their child would not exist if it weren't for West. Rose's response to West's remarks was peculiar in that she stated how ridiculous she thought it was that anyone would claim possession of her child. Kanye West swiftly responded to Rose's initial post by stating in a series of tweets that he had never participated in such activities and that he would much rather avoid talking about the topic at all..
